Friday 21 September 2012


By now, everyone who speaks to me, reads my Facebook statuses, or reads my blog will know that I have had some problems with my Schengen visa and the documents for it...

The really good (awesome) news is that that document that I needed finally arrived yesterday morning (after a long wait)! My mom phoned the visa people to ask when she could come in to finish my application, and they said...."TODAY!" So, my dear, darling mother went off to Joburg (I couldn't go because it's too pricey to fly around two people for just the day), and at long last, that silly visa was applied for.

Today (this afternoon to be precise), we got an e-mail informing us that my visa and passport are ready to be collected! How's that for you - ONE day to process and give me my visa! Kudos to you, Capago people!

So, what does that mean??? That means...everything is SORTED and I am most definitely going to France next week Friday! YIPPEEEEEE!

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