Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Right now I am sitting having breakfast at
OR Tambo Airport in Joburg.

Ever since I was tiny, I have loved airports.
That could be because spent a lot of time
 traipsing around in them, but I always feel so
 excited when I'm at an airport. I love all all the
 the busy, bustling people, and the sense of
 purpose in going somewhere.

Recently, however, airports have been even more
 fun than usual. The reason for this is a South
African comedian called Trevor Noah (mayhaps
 you've heard of him ;) ). In his second show,
 he has a piece on airports which is just brilliant!
His portrayal of the characteristics of an airport
 is spot on - the snooty business people who
 you overhear saying things like "yes of course
 the million rand business deal will go through!"
 into state-of-the-art cellphones ; the pilots, who,
 no matter what type of accent they have in normal
 conversation, will put on their super-professional
 voice to say "good morning ladies and
 gentlemen..." followed by a load of information
 you really didn't need to know.

Possibly my favourite piece of his show is
 how he describes the staff who make announcements on
 the intercom - everywhere else in the world
 some clipped, smooth voice is what you'll hear,
 but here....

"Attention aaallll passengahs, yes I'm talkin
 to you!" (Here the little speech is broken by someone
 asking the speaker if they'd like some
 KFC chicken) "iyesss...(gibberish) no no,  i want udrumsteeck!"
(pause)  " ok passengahs,..."

Yes, it is hilarious. Ok l'll stop now....

P.S. yeeeeah piloooot!!

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