Wednesday 5 September 2012

Nobody likes South Africans.

Yesterday my dad and I went up to Joburg to the offices where you can get a Schengen visa.
We had gone through a major schlep to make sure we had ALL the things they say they want, and also to get there...

Of course, it's worth it to get your visa. Only problem is, it turned out I can't get mine yet.
We are short two SUPER important documents that the office needs to do the visa (of course, to find out on their site that they need these is like navigating a maze)...

On the way back home, my dad bemoaned the fact that nobody seems to like South Africans - they all make it so difficult for us to visit their countries! I wonder what it is that they don't want us to bring with us...

Maybe it's the horrible taxi music :P

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